Angry Kid Wiki

Captain Thunderpants - Angry Kid

"Captain Thunderpants" is the 11th episode in Season 1 in Angry Kid.


Angry Kid is sitting in the back of Mr. Walsh's car, bored with listening to Mr. Walsh's country music tape. Angry Kid asks if he can put on his tape, "Captain Thunderpants". There are only 2 lines in this song, which are "1 pound of middle cut pork leg joint" and "stew my foot and call me Brenda", which Angry Kid likes to accompany with a car-horn and 2 air-horns. Eventually, Mr. Walsh stops the car and throws the now-destroyed tape back to Angry Kid in frustration. As he tries to restart the car, the sounds of the engine begin to mimic the beat of Captain Thunderpants' song, which Angry Kid honks to in delight.



(country music playing)

Angry Kid: My tape, Dad. Play my tape now? Dad? My tape? Dad?

Mr. Walsh: (sighs) Will you just wait until mine's finished?

Angry Kid: Me now? My tape! My music! My music! Captain Thunderpants!

Mr. Walsh: All right. Just keep it down.

(audio cassette inserting)

(rock and roll music playing)

Angry Kid/Captain Thunderpants: (singing:) 1 pound of middle cut pork leg joint!

(Clown horn honking)

Mr. Walsh: Will you-- Oi, oi, oi, oi! That is enough!

Angry Kid: Oh, Dad! I didn't-- sorry. Put it back on! Please, Dad, please! Oh, come on, your music's bollocks--

Mr. Walsh: LANGUAGE! All right! Just...keep it down!

Angry Kid: Heh, heh, heh.

(audio cassette inserting)

(rock and roll music playing)

Captain Thunderpants: (singing:) Stew my foot and call me "Brenda"!

(air horns honking)

Mr. Walsh: ARGH! Wha-- What are you trying to do?! You just don't know when to stop, do you? Guh!

(Car engine's start repeating)

Mr. Walsh: Come on. All I need! Come on, ya bloody thing.

(Clown horn honking)

Mr. Walsh: Every bloody time! Come on! You happy now, eh?! You bloody satisfied?!

*End Credits Roll*

(Clown horn Honking)

*Aardman Animations logo appears onscreen and then fades to black*

(End of Captain Thunderpants)
